“A Deaf Educator is an advocate… a trained eye that sees potential but also risks, who understands the unique needs of our children before they arise, because that is what they are trained for! They believe in the D/HH children and support them at the same time.”
View Current Jobs posted on Deafed.net
Welcome to the Hands & Voices DeafEd.net job and resume posting service! We are pleased you have chosen to post your deaf education open position or resume with us, and we hope to provide you with an effective, efficient, and quality experience.
The following are steps for how to post a job in deaf education:
- Log in / create a username and password. It’s free. You will then be able to track all of your activity whether it’s job postings or watching and updating your resume.
- Once logged in you will be taken to our integrated web app where you can manage your jobs and resumes including purchasing credits to post jobs via our secure online payment option ( We use the latest secure Payment Gateway technology and no longer use Paypal.
- To post a job you can pay for your job posting by either buying “credits” or using a Purchase Order. Resumes are always free to post.
- In order to post your job and make it searchable you need to submit it for approval by our DeafEd.net administrators. Once you fill out the job form you need to apply a credit before submitting it. If you have not already purchased a credit(s) or you will be given the option to purchase a credit when clicking and to submit the job for aproval you need to apply a credit to submit it..
- Search resumes for suitable candidates.
- Update your job posting when your job is filled.
Some of the many benefits of posting a job opening/resume with Hands & Voices DeafEd.net are:
- The jobs and resumes posted here are exclusively in the field of deaf education.
- Once your job opening is posted to the public, you have access to view resumes for one year.
- The host of DeafEd.net, Hands & Voices HQ, has lots of information and resources valuable to deaf education professionals.
- You are financially supporting the future of Hands & Voices parent-to-parent support and parent leadership development.
Costs of Posted Jobs:
Purchase Credits:
1 = $150
2 = $275 [save $25]
3 = $400 [save $50]
4= $525 [save $75]
5 = $650 [save $100]
6 = $750 [save $150]
7 = $850 [save $200]
8 = $950 [save $250]
9 = $1050 [save $300]
10 = $1100 [save $400]
11 = $1200 [save $450]
12 = $1300 [save $500]
Costs to Post Resume:
- Submissions are automatically forwarded to the appropriate moderator for approval/denial. All jobs and resumes are vetted by our administrative staff. Once approved, submissions are immediately accessible for public viewing and searchable via the Search Jobs page. Submissions are also included in the automatic e-mail update notifications that are sent to registered users who have enabled the feature in their registration profiles.
- Each job posting is limited to one position and may NOT be edited to another position after submission
- There are two options for a job posting’s duration:
- The user can specify an ending date that the posting will become inactive (up to one year from submission date).
- The user can choose “until position filled.” If utilizing “until position filled,” the posting remains active for one year from the job submission date or until the user or a notified DeafEd.net Administrator closes it.
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are also accepted as an alternate form of payment for job submission. You may complete a Job Posting Form and once the purchase order is confirmed, your posting will be reviewed by an administrator.
Please send the purchase order electronically to:
The purchase order address:
Hands & Voices
PO BOX 3093
Boulder, CO 80307
Email us at admin@deafed.net
Hands & Voices is proud to host DeafEd.net. Hands & Voices is a parent-driven organization that supports families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (D/HH) without a bias around communication modes or methodology.
For more information, visit: www.handsandvoices.org.